La france destination dangereuse à éviter

Le ministére des affaires étrangéres thai conseille aux ressortissants thailandais d'éviter tout séjour en france.....

Le quotidien thai , the Nation [1] dans un article explique le pourquoi de ce conseil du gouvernement Thai.

Parce qu'il y a eu en effet plusieurs cas de vols dans des voitures de l'ambassade thaie garées à un feu (crime considéré comme extrêmement grave dans un pays qui attache énormément d'importance aux symboles de la nation ou de la royauté). Le ministére des affaires étrangéres thai conseille aux ressortissants thailandais d'éviter la france.

  • Texte original de the nation du 26 juillet 2006

Thais warned to avoid or cancelling trip to France

Foreign Ministry has cautioned Thai citizens to consider postponing or cancelling travelling to France particularly this period because of the threat of crime.

The ministry issued the warning in a statement on Tuesday which said that several robberies or thefts had occurred involving cars belonging to the Thai Embassy in Paris.

"In the past month, at least four robberies occurred to embassy cars and we would like to warn Thais who plan to travel to France to increase their safety measures or consider postponing or canceling travel to France in the summer which would be crowded with tourists and possibly criminals," read the statement.

A thief broke the window of an embassy car in which the Thai commercial attache was traveling when it had stopped at the intersection of a busy road. The diplomat was slightly injured when he resisted the thief, who attempted to snatch his bag, it added. The thief is still at large.

Last month, a thief broke an embassy vehicle's window while it was stopping at a crowded road. A group of visiting high-ranking Thai officials were on the vehicle.

The statement warned Thais traveling to France to take special care of their property, including not putting valuables near car windows and not wearing jewelry.

The ministry has earlier suggested that Thais avoid traveling alone, stay clear of isolated places and pay particular attention to passing motorbikes - the vehicle of choice for French thieves.

The Nation

Tout çà justifie donc d'éviter ,voir d'annuler toute visite ce pays de tous les dangers qu'est devenu la France! Et oui, la MonarchieThailandaise craint pour la sécurité de ses ressortisants sur notre territoire...

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